Clinics We Offer

Nurse led clinics are run for all age groups, to monitor treatment, check inhaler technique and improve knowledge of the condition. We are now running additional asthma clinics to ensure eveyone is receiving the best possible care. Please ring to book.
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Clinics are run at various times during the week to have these checked for your own peace of mind or as referred by your doctor. Even healthy people should periodically have their blood pressure checked.
Appointments are available to all diabetic patients to monitor and control your condition. You will be referred to the clinic by either the hospital or the doctor.
Heart Disease Clinic
Our nurse and doctors offer regular checks to monitor condition and effectiveness of treatment and to give advice.
Stroke Clinic
Patients who have suffered a stroke can attend to receive advice and have checks performed by our nurse.

Baby & Pre-School Jabs
Please bring in your children for their immunisation programme. Appointments are either pre-booked through your baby clinic or you can book direct. IF you have any concerns about specific vaccines please call in to speak to the nurse or one of the GPs.
Childhood Immunisations and Development Checks
Our nurse runs the child clinic each Wednesday morning from 10.00am. You will be called into the clinic when checks and immunisations are due.
Family Planning
Both doctors offer contraceptive advice and pill prescriptions etc.
Menopause / HRT Clinic
Our nurse will offer advice and information and has stocks of leaflets to give out.

Well Woman & Smears
Local guidelines recommend all women have a smear every three years. All appropriate patients will be called to the surgery when due. We offer a full well woman clinic every Wednesday from 1.00pm until 3.45pm. If you do not want your smear undertaken at the surgery we can provide you with details of other clinics in the area.
Well Person Clinics
Offered to all new patients and on request, simply ask for a well person appointment with the nurse
Rheumatoid arthritis
If you are suffering from long term or have recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. please click on the link below for useful tips on how to manage this and the treatments that are available.
Helpful tips for managing and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis